Our News
Jan 8, 2024
Embarking on the Path to Smarter, User-Centric Traffic Management: The FRONTIER App
In a world where technology and mobility are increasingly intertwined, the FRONTIER project, funded by the EU's Horizon 2020 program, is revolutionizing traffic management. Building on the groundbreaking network and traffic management strategies introduced through the FRONTIER Dashboard, we're now proud to introduce the FRONTIER mobile app – named 'Citynaut'.
Oct 24, 2023
FRONTIER Network and Traffic Management Dashboard: Revolutionising Traffic Management through common situation awareness and collaborative decision support systems
Transportation is a captivating and complex domain, interconnecting a multitude of technologies, individual choices, and unpredictable events. All of this takes place within the intricate web of political, social, and economic influences, forming a dynamic and multifaceted landscape.
Jul 25, 2023
Empowering Vulnerable Road Users: The power of Nudge Engine in a mobile App!
In bustling cities, vulnerable road users, including pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists, face unique challenges while navigating busy streets. To address their safety concerns and promote positive behaviors, Frontier Innovations via the SOTERIA project, is eager to introduce innovative solutions like the Nudge Engine.
Jun 17, 2022
Use Case Specification Workshop for the Athens Pilot
On Friday, 17 June 2022, a hybrid workshop focusing on the specification of use cases for the Athens pilot of the FRONTIER project and organized jointly by the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems and Frontier Innovations took place in Athens.